For every woman feeling maxed out and overwhelmed…

How would you like stress to roll off your back like a dewdrop off a blade of grass?

The 5-Week Stress Reset teaches you techniques to optimize your resilience—even if the stress won’t let up.

We all know that eliminating stress is not an option. But…

When you give your body what it needs to respond to stress in a healthier way, here’s what becomes possible:

Instead of snapping at your loved ones, you respond with care.

Instead of dragging out of bed and through the day, you jump out of bed and go!

Instead of pounding back those cookies or wine, you actually enjoy a walk in the fresh air.

Instead of feeling drowned with anxiety, you take action on the things you can.

And as a pleasant surprise?

When your body becomes more resilient to stress, you might notice better sleep, easier weight loss, more mental clarity, and other health concerns getting better.

The problem is that it’s easy to get sucked into stress-triggered behaviors

For some women it’s cookies, for others its wine. Stress can also trigger behaviors like spending money, gambling, or binge-watching movies.

So, how do you break this frustrating cycle?

The answer might be easier than you think.

Here’s your invitation to start fresh…

The 5-Week Stress Reset

An online course that empowers you with techniques to optimize your body’s stress resilience.

You’ll learn Dr. Stacey’s Foundational 5:

Foundation 1: Sleep

Do you wake up at some point during the night or sleep right through until morning? If you wake up this is often the first sign of stress. During sleep your brain process each days’ events. Good sleep is vital for your brain to form memories and better handle emotions and impulses. Research has found that the best way to build stress resilience is to improve sleep. This lesson will walk you through steps to improve sleep and make you more resilience.

Foundation 2: Breath

Stress affects our breathing pattern. Ever notice when you are anxious or worried how shallow and rapid your breath becomes. You may also notice increased heart rate, chest tightness, sweating and nausea. However, when we breathe deeply this sends a signal to our brain to find calm and relaxation this then lowers our heart rate and slows our breathing. Deep breathing is one the best ways to lower stress in the body. You will be guided through a series of ways to find calm.

Foundation 3: Movement

Let’s face it we know physical activity is important but what if you don’t feel like doing it? What if you are not motivated or lack energy? Then what? Being active improves EVERYTHING – mood, hormones, sleep, depression, self-confidence, and stress levels to name a few. In this session we will get into ways to move your body as way to relieve stress and feel healthy even when you are unmotivated.

Foundation 4: Food

Food is Medicine. Literally. Several research has found certain foods can regulate our stress hormones. Stress can be huge driver in our eating behaviours – it can cause us to overeat, under eat, consume more sugar, salty or processed carbohydrates; it can cause us to drink more alcohol. On the flip side this lesson will guide you on choosing foods that has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety.

Foundation 5: Supplements

Much like all the other key lessons above, supplements can help bring your brain and body back in alignment and relieve the symptoms of stress before it becomes a problem. Vitamins can also play a role in combating the effect of stress on your body. Here are Dr. Richards’ top 5 researched supported supplements to manage the effects of stress.

Each lesson is available on demand as a recorded video—convenient to watch on your own schedule and from the comfort of your home!

The 5-Week Stress Reset

Get instant access for just – $397

What makes this reset different?

I’m guessing you’re a smart and resourceful woman and that you KNOW you need to prioritize your sleep, eat better, and exercise. Right?

Which means you’re probably wondering what makes this course different from everything else you’ve tried.

The answer is that this course:


Is uniquely designed to help women struggling with stress-triggered behaviors


Teaches not only what you SHOULD be doing but how to make that happen even when the stress won’t let up


Guides you through a proprietary process developed by a naturopathic

The 5-Week Stress Reset will help you take control over stress-triggered behaviors and develop a sense of ease and calm—even if you feel like you’ve tried everything.

The 5-Week Stress Reset

Get instant access for just – $397

Let’s make sure this reset is for you

The 5-Week Stress Reset is designed specifically for women who:


Feel stressed or overwhelmed


Cave into temptations when stressed


Have uncontrollable cravings


Struggle with sleep, energy, or mood


Want to take control but don’t know how

This online course gives you foundational strategies to help your body and mind better respond to stress so you can get your health back on track.

Common Questions

Is this course live or recorded?

This course is recorded. Yes, the course is recorded. All lectures are recorded and made available for you to watch at your convenience.

How much time will this course take me?

This course is divided in to 5 sections. Each section is about 30 minutes long. Online program allows you to learn at your own pace and on your own schedule.

Do I get personalized recommendations in this course?

The course does not provide personalized recommendations. However, once you sign up you will be added to a private membership group only for our STRESS RESETTERS. A place you can ask questions and share ideas with other like-minded individuals.

What if I want 1:1 care?

Great. Head over to the 1:1 care tab on the website and click the ‘Get Started’ button. Dr. Richards has an online alignment form. Please enter your information and someone will reach out to you to discuss the Transformation Care process.

Ready to take control over your stress for more vibrant health?

The 5-Week Stress Reset


5 Video Lessons to Learn the Foundational 5


Success Implementation Workbook


Other Bonuses


Unlimited Access for 12 Months

All this for one easy payment of – $397